Reclaiming Confidence | Scranton Boudoir Photographer

When I’m able to help a woman experience reclaiming confidence in her life, through these photos - I know I’ve done my job.

This client reached out to me to take her pictures after a really big life transition. Here is what she had to say after her session, in her own words:

“Let's start this off with why I decided to do a session.

I was going through a bad breakup with my husband (soon to be ex). He was verbally abusive, a narcissist, never made me feel beautiful after I had two kids. It actually got worse after I had the kids. So being a single mom and going through all that for three years straight - I decided that I needed to do something for myself to build my confidence back up. Also to feel beautiful again.

Being a mom I never do anything for myself, my kids always came first and listen messy hair bun is my life. When I finally submitted the “book now” button, I was so scared.

I am a plus size woman. All these thoughts came to me, what if I'm too big to do this, what if I'm not beautiful enough for this. I was so nervous and had so many butterflies when I walked into the studio.

After the sessions and seeing those pictures for the first time. I felt like a million bucks, I couldn't believe that it was me in those pictures. I couldn't believe how beautiful I looked and felt during the session.

I have gained so much confidence back, I feel beautiful in my own body. And I realized that curves are okay. It also made me realized that this beautiful person made two beautiful children.

Reclaiming confidence back is something I will eternally be grateful for.

So if you are scared to do a session, please just take that leap of faith because I promise you that you will not regret it. You will forever feel beautiful no matter what kind of day you are having. It is something that is totally worth the time/money. I seriously can't wait to book my next session."

I mean, if that doesn’t convince you of the power of the boudoir experience, I don’t know what will!

We were able to shoot in three of our studios: Neon, Bohemian and Vintage Glam.

I loved shooting with her, and the whole experience in the studio. But more than that, I loved watching her journey with reclaiming confidence in her own life! She’s a powerful woman! Not to mention, she dedicates her time to help animals daily! She works at a local rescue I also volunteer at! I love helping amazing people.


Empowered AF | Scranton Boudoir Photographer


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